The Nemesis Book Introduction
The Nemesis Book discusses the nature of the fight for the survival and the independence of the Suomi people as its central theme. However, the relatively short 500-year period of Finland was not short of foreign Imperial encroachments and animosity caused by covetousness. It was not a time period protected by human self-constraint, respect for the intrinsic human value, or respect for the Spirit of the Natural Law. There were many external foreign political and carnal brute forces invading from the outside. Human predators sought to exploit soft targets. Imperial super state military invasions by Sweden, Russia, and the Soviet Union, using military force as a license for self-imposed rules and domination, coveting to take over the cultural assets which the locals had invested in and worked towards for over 2000 years. Imperials offered autonomous formality, but progressively worked to sideline the heart of the Suomi culture through the foreign nationalistic Russification process of the local cultural roots of the Suomi people’s national identity and destiny.
Before the King of Sweden started taking an interest in the territory of Finland around 12th Century, Finnish-language speaking people and other indigenous tribes from Lapland’s nomadic Sami peoples regularly visited and lived along the shores of the Bothnia Sea, the central lakes, and Lake Ladoga. During the early language formation years, people living in the areas along the shore of the Gulf of Finland to Karelian Isthmus, North Karelia, shared a culture and a speaking language which eventually evolved into the Suomi language.
Religion came with the messengers, and the reformation started by Luther in the early 16th century reached the people of Sweden and Finland. The Reformation enlightened the people’s minds and gave rise to the Finnish written language development. Mikael Agricola (1510–1557) brought the Reformation to Finland and developed the Finnish speaking language into written text. The New Testament was translated into Finnish in 1548. The entire Bible appeared in the Finnish language in 1642.
The Spirit of Natural Law. The right to life, liberty, and property. The Natural Law protected the spiritually intuitive people in their Natural State before the population explosion on earth. Following Imperialistic slavery and totalitarianism people have joined civil society willingly through consent to accept a social responsibility contract.
History is full of irresponsible leaders of people, fueled by false worldviews and false life philosophies; leaders who have made a grandiose slaughter of humanity during the period of 1900-1953. Globally, the attitudes on the intrinsic value of human life are still uncertain and hold a precarious virtue, an area where the global power politic leaders avoid, deny, suppress and cheat on.
The news of the Russian revolution reached Finland in 1917. The majority of the law-respecting people in Finland were horrified by the Russian revolution’s rebellion, lawlessness, and anarchy—by the spirit of the Nemesis overtaking the rule of law. Because the people were spiritually enlightened by the spirit of grace, they understood the significance of the spirit of the Natural Law, and the meaning of the rule of law. It is a foundational truth for a stable society, a foundational truth in all of the law-respecting societies of the world.